
LACA’s constitution was last revised in July 2022.

The Libraries and Archives Copyright Alliance (LACA) is the main UK body lobbying for the library, information and archive professions and their users for fair practices in copyright.

Terms of reference

LACA advocates for a fair and balanced copyright framework which represents the rights of copyright holders whilst placing equal value on the importance of users’ liberties.


  1. To be active and effective in promoting, advocating and lobbying on behalf of our members and in the interests of library and archive users.
  2. To raise and maintain awareness about copyright and licensing in the library, archive and information sectors, for example through events and other activities.
  3. To work with colleagues internationally to bring about a harmonised legislative framework, effective for the digital age, that facilitates cross-border working.
  4. To collaborate with the UK’s education, research and cultural heritage sector to encourage a joined-up approach.


  1. The composition of LACA will seek to represent a broad spectrum of the library, information and archives professional community, and related knowledge institutions.
  2. Membership is by invitation from the group. From time to time LACA may invite additional organisations or individuals to join or otherwise modify its membership. The Co-Chairs will review the membership at least annually and may approach inactive members to re-engage or resign from the group.
  3. There are three types of membership:
    1. Representatives of organisations or communities
    2. Individual experts
    3. Corresponding (non-voting) members
  4. All members will be members of the e-discussion list. Corresponding members do not participate in votes. Representatives and individual expert members will be set out on the LACA website. A role profile for members is provided in the Appendix.
  5. Guests and observers may be invited to meetings from time-to-time at the discretion of the Chairs.

Decision-making and representation

  1. LACA strives to act quickly while ensuring engagement of the membership and high standards of subject expertise.
  2. Decision-making in relation to the issuing of LACA views, opinions, or expressions (for example, through communications, endorsements, or activities):
    1. Where possible, to be made by collective consensus of the membership at meetings.
    2. Otherwise, and where required (for example, in the interests of time), to be made by agreement of the membership on the e-discussion list.
    3. Otherwise, and where required, to be made by “opportunity to object” circulated to the e-discussion list.
    4. The Co-Chairs should engage in the relevant decision-making whenever possible.
    5. The Co-Chairs, or in the absence of both, a duty officer nominated by the Co-Chairs (or selected by membership types (1) and (2) if no person has been nominated) should make the decision in a case where no clear decision can or has been otherwise reached within a suitable period of time relevant to the context, or in cases where there is real and urgent need for a quick decision.
    6. If, in the case of (5) above, there is no consensus between Co-Chairs, the committee should vote to reach a decision.
    7. Significant decisions (for example, one that may change a course of action already agreed on by the group) should not normally be made by the method set out at (3) above.
  3. As a representative group, LACA should remain continually engaged with the views, concerns, and interests of our stakeholder sectors, in particular the organisations and communities represented on the group. Type (1) members are expected to support two-way communication between the organisation or community they represent and LACA, for example by circulating updates to their community and by highlighting matters of concern to LACA.


  1. LACA officer positions consists of two Co-Chairs:
  2. Election of Officers
    1. The Officers will normally be elected from and by the membership for a two-year term.
    2. Voting is remote and takes place biennially by membership types (1) and (2) in advance of the first meeting of every other calendar year.
    3. Should an Officer resign mid‐term a new election shall be conducted at the earliest opportunity. Whoever is elected will serve for what remains of the term.
    4. Should one of the Co-Chairs need to temporarily step down during their term of office, the remaining Chair will take over as sole Chair for the duration. Should both Co-Chairs need to temporarily step down, the Membership will vote for an Acting Chair.
    5. Nominations for the Officer roles will be invited at the meeting prior to the election, to be sent to the Co-Chairs by e‐mail.
    6. The vote will be by a simple majority using the first‐past-the‐post system. Where there is a tie, a second ballot is to be conducted. The returning officer will be an individual who is not a member of the group.
  3. Role profiles for the Officer roles are provided in the Appendix.


  1. LACA has the following Support Function requirements:
    1. Support for meetings, both online (Teams, Zoom, etc.) and physical meeting space for any in-person meetings (which should include hybrid meeting facilities)
    2. An online presence, including financial cost of the domain name and CMS (e.g. WordPress), web editing and blogging
    3. Social media presence
    4. Marketing and communication support
    5. Confidential e-discussion list
    6. Sufficient time for Officer roles
    7. Minute-taking and document editing
    8. Document editing and storage space
  2. LACA may obtain, from time to time, agreement from one or more organisations represented on the group to provide one or more of the Support Functions.
  3. Most communication and work will be conducted via the confidential LACA e‐discussion list.
  4. Member organisations are normally responsible for supporting their representatives when attending meetings or other activities on LACA’s behalf.
  5. LACA will form ad hoc working or special interest groups from time to time as deemed suitable. These groups should function in a reasonably defined area and in general should complete a piece of work in that area without ongoing recourse to the general membership. The formation of these groups should be discussed by the membership and activities should be reported to the general membership.


  1. LACA will normally meet at least quarterly. On occasion additional meetings may be called. Meetings will be held remotely as standard, with the option to hold one hybrid (in-person with remote option) meeting each year, to be determined by a majority vote of the Membership.
  2. Type (1) and (2) members are normally expected to attend meetings. Type (3) members do not normally attend meetings, but may do so by making request to the Co-Chairs.
  3. The Chair will approach type (1) and (2) members who fail to attend more than three meetings in succession without compelling reason to confirm their re-engagement or confirm their resignation from the group.
  4. The agenda and papers are confidential. The Co-Chairs will prepare these and distribute them electronically via the LACA e-discussion list.
  5. Minutes of meetings are confidential but may be circulated by members in confidence to their own relevant internal committee(s) as appropriate.


LACA is responsible for determining its Constitution and will periodically review its terms and its membership composition.

Appendix: Role profiles for LACA members and Officers


  • To support the aims and objectives of LACA
  • To behave in a manner that reflects positively on their membership of LACA
  • To assist in the drafting of LACA submissions, press releases and provide other support wherever possible
  • To bring to the attention of the Chair any possible conflicts of interest and/or issues of concern to LACA
  • In the case of type (1) and (2) members, to attend at least 2 meetings a year, unless discussed and agreed in advance with the Chair
  • In the case of type (1) and (3) members, to act as a liaison point between LACA and any stakeholders that they represent


  • To provide leadership for LACA
  • To chair LACA meetings
  • To ensure agendas and meeting notes are prepared and circulated
  • To work with the other Co-Chair for the best interests of LACA
  • To be the official signatory of LACA submissions, letters and other communications
  • To assist in the drafting of LACA submissions and press releases wherever possible
  • To lead LACA delegations to meet policy leaders
  • To liaise with organisations represented on the group regarding LACA’s Support Function requirements
  • To ensure reasonable administrative support, drawn from the Membership, to the functions of the Co-Chairs, including website, social media, and minute-taking
  • To collect nominations for officer elections and to arrange for a non-member to coordinate elections
  • To administer the e-discussion list, where required